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​Case 1:  ​Last month I was in a Law office of a senior Lawyer with a small network of under 10 workstations and 1 server.  The gals in the office could not work when the network is down and the network was counted on to be down on a regular basis.  The office was behind in billings and collections.  Files were not being updated daily as the work back logged farther and farther.  The culprit was their computer guy. He was a home grown self trained figured it out on his way Windows guy.  What he didn't know was how to load plan, load balance and select the proper topology, equipment nor even the correct workstations for the duty.  The girls would often tell clients "the computers are down again. I am sorry I cannot get that at the moment."  So this attorney asked me what is the problem.  I said "You know the saying about how you cannot afford the cheapest Criminal lawyer when you are being charged with murder?"  "Well you cannot afford the cheapest computer guy either."

Case 2:  I won't use his name but my Dentist was complaining to me that his network was not up when I got my check up. He was having trouble collecting from Medicare/Medicaid payments because all their billing is transacted over the Internet.  They had added new software mandated by law unfortunately his technology expert did not determine the amount of data and duty that the server, network and internet must accommodate.  While the network was originally setup about a dozen years ago and he would occasionally go by a new pc at Wal-Mart there had been no professional IT personal to reevaluate modify his growth or migration.  This slow and then failed network creped up on him and effected the timing of his sizable government payments.  It also effected his income as some files disappeared, got stashed or hidden and lost while waiting for the network to come back up so they could be entered.  Lost files lost income reimbursement lost opportunity.

Case 3: A new client called with a $1/2 million dollar large project pending for their client. They are a CNC shop and their network was tied into the cad/cam or program machines so when it failed it slowed the shop progress and stopped the expected process. They are a contractor to Boeing airplane company.  The owners friend setup the server, workstations and network and spared no expense buying nice equipment.  Unfortunately he knew nothing about DNS, TCP/IP or routing.  However the network frequently went down for no rhyme or reason.  They often could not use some of the workstations which could not connect to the server.  Play with them long enough and they would eventually get Internet connectivity but may or may not print to the network Printer/scanner/fax.  This client was very proud of his new equipment.   It just did not work.

 Call Computer Fix It (316) 681-0032, for a free initial contact meeting about your network.


Computer Network Design


professionally designed computer network

We have a saying in the IT network business "Pay me now, or pay me later."   Which means that a well thought out, planned and implemented network will save more in maintenance over its limited life span than it costs to buy it and install it correctly to begin with the first time.  This is no secret and it is true of many projects of any size.  ABE Lincoln "Measure twice cut once."  Gen. Eisenhower "If you fail to plan you plan to fail."  History is covered with nice little sayings that all point to the same thing.....let Computer Fix It lend you our Computer Engineering expertise and 21 years of experience by helping you to design the correct IT solution with the correct equipment which will last you the expected life span of your network.   

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