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Computer Hardware Repair

Call Computer Fix It now to start your computer repair.  We repair or replace motherboards, video cards, ram, hard drives, power supplies, cases and nearly every other computer component.  The term is not "if it breaks"  but  "when it breaks." Computer repairs are inevitable.  You learn to love your computers and the connections you make on the internet. So when your computer is broken you really get stopped both business-wise and personally.  At Computer Fix It we know it is a hardship on your life to be without your computer.  How will you update friends, family, work, facebook or your many other connections? What about your relaxing  games? Do you play solitaire? How will you pay online bills, check email, apply for a job or many other tasks we take for granted daily that we do with our computer?   Computer Fix It know how much your computer means to your life so we have implemented what we feel is the best computer service anywhere in the world at any price.  Same day computer repair service.  Bring your computer in early in the day and 90% of the time you will be able to pick it up that same day by 6:00 pm or bring your computer in later in the day and we still may have it that same day but definitely have it by the same time next day (unless parts must be ordered which are not in stock).  We know of no other company that even attempts to offer this service promise let alone makes this promise happen.

Here are some common Computer parts: Motherboard also called the bus because everything else plugs in to it like a passenger on a bus.  CPU brain; RAM is volatile memory, hard drive-storage, optical drive for saving/moving data, case enclosure and power supply-  see more below.

Shows computer Hard drive and power supply

Power Supply and Hard drive.​

The single most common failure we see in computer repair is the power supply.  This is no surprise since a well designed electronic device should be designed to fail the power supply with power surges rather than passing to more expensive components.   Computer Fix It carry's about 90% of all power supplies for modern workstations and PC in stock so that we might better get your workstation fixed the same day. 

Hard drive is the next most likely failure point.  Hard drives are also a very heavily used component with 100,000s of reads/writes per hour.  The mean time between failures of a hard drive today stands at about 12-15 years if properly treated (kept safe behind a unconditional power supply which protects from brown outs and surge spikes in power).  More than any other, this device takes a beating every second that the computer is in use.  The bad thing is if you did not backup your data this can be a painful repair for you.  Ask us how to protect your data so this sort of failure does not happen to you or it does not happen again.  Computer Fix It has hard drives in stock and we often can recover your data.

Computer Power Supply

Computer Motherboard/bus. ​

Motherboards burn out for the same reasons that a hard drive does and is about the 3rd most common computer failure.  They fail for various reasons.  Power fluctuations and brown outs by Westar power company, static shock from walking on dry wintery carpet or thunderstorm caused fluctuations in power and surges. Additionally heat damage is caused when dust/dander gets in the bearings on the case and cpu fans which slow them reducing their ability to keep things cool, lack of proper cleaning and maintenance.  Like your car, your computer needs timely preventive maintenance.


A motherboard will often accept several indirect hits before going 'toes up.'  We see it sometimes still working although the capacitors are leaking fluid and bulging, from the components getting excessively hot.  This sometimes appears to the customer like 'flaky Windows' issues or a virus but we can tell with a visual inspection of your motherboard.


Video card, Sound card, Network adapter.


With integrated systems such as video, sound and network adapters on most modern low and middle range computer motherboards you can still classify these as a motherboard failure.  Together these addon or integrated component cards account for the fourth most likely hardware failure in a computer.

In side computer hard drive - platter

Often if this is the only component failure we will disable the on board device and install a plug in card. This is a simple and usually inexpensive to fix.  ​

CPU or Memory are responsible for only 5% of all hardware failures.​

RAM-random access memory problems are seldom the issue.  We only see RAM go bad  very occasionally, less than  once a month out of a hundred or two hundred repairs. Ram is not a high failure incidence.  This is good since RAM is still moderately expensive particularly if you have a nice system with plenty of memory.

But the winner for the all time lowest failure rate of any discrete computer component has to be the CPU- brains of the computer.  It is almost a miracle that something so small, so concentrated (millions of transistors in 1/8") and so powerful almost never fails.

In 22 years experience I have only seen a few CPU's fail (unless someone was tampering with them) and they both were caused by direct lightning strikes.

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